Year: 2025

Tomato Day 2025

Tomato Day 2025

And that’s another Tomato Day done and dusted! It’s been two years since I posted about this holiest of culinary days, and I almost let this one slide. After all, it’s just the same thing every year. You’ve all got the recipe. But then I looked through the photos and videos, and I was reminded of why we really do it, which is not about the tomatoes at all.

Grain-Free and Dairy-Free Pan-Fried Gnocchi with Broccoli Pesto

Grain-Free and Dairy-Free Pan-Fried Gnocchi with Broccoli Pesto

The past few years have been a wild, generally unpleasant family ride through chronic health issues, and we’re still just doing what we can to hang in there. Gluten-free is easy enough, and we’ve had great success adapting everything to GF (as you would have noticed in recent posts), and dairy-free is not too hard either (choking back your tears at not being able to drink grated pecorino straight from the bag when no one’s looking). But grain-free is a little trickier… So we’ve made things easier for ourselves by adding these gnocchi into regular rotation!

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