Tag: breadcrumbs

Grain-Free and Dairy-Free Pan-Fried Gnocchi with Broccoli Pesto

Grain-Free and Dairy-Free Pan-Fried Gnocchi with Broccoli Pesto

The past few years have been a wild, generally unpleasant family ride through chronic health issues, and we’re still just doing what we can to hang in there. Gluten-free is easy enough, and we’ve had great success adapting everything to GF (as you would have noticed in recent posts), and dairy-free is not too hard either (choking back your tears at not being able to drink grated pecorino straight from the bag when no one’s looking). But grain-free is a little trickier… So we’ve made things easier for ourselves by adding these gnocchi into regular rotation!

Squid Ink Bucatini con le Sarde

Squid Ink Bucatini con le Sarde

Though perhaps a little late in life, and unhelpfully complicated by life’s realities, if I could choose someone to be when I grow up, without a doubt I’d be Inspector Montalbano. Aside from pleasantly relatable traits, such as his warranted, weary grouchiness and exaggerated hand gestures, Montalbano is a man who pays food the respect that it deserves.

Pistachio and Spinach Anolini | Anolini di Pistacchi e Spinaci

Pistachio and Spinach Anolini | Anolini di Pistacchi e Spinaci

This week we’ve got a quick little filled pasta for you. With a simple egg dough and a spreadable roasted pistachio filling, you can stamp these little anolini out in less time than it takes your cafetière to boil. A pasta like this can be paired with just about anything, but we dropped them into some bone broth stock that we had hanging around in the freezer, for a meal of subtle but complex flavour.

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