Tag: gnocchi

Grain-Free and Dairy-Free Pan-Fried Gnocchi with Broccoli Pesto

Grain-Free and Dairy-Free Pan-Fried Gnocchi with Broccoli Pesto

The past few years have been a wild, generally unpleasant family ride through chronic health issues, and we’re still just doing what we can to hang in there. Gluten-free is easy enough, and we’ve had great success adapting everything to GF (as you would have noticed in recent posts), and dairy-free is not too hard either (choking back your tears at not being able to drink grated pecorino straight from the bag when no one’s looking). But grain-free is a little trickier… So we’ve made things easier for ourselves by adding these gnocchi into regular rotation!

Pulled Pork Gnocchi Ripieni with Brown Butter Corn and Jalapeño Vinaigrette

Pulled Pork Gnocchi Ripieni with Brown Butter Corn and Jalapeño Vinaigrette

Pasta, for me, has always been more about an approach to food than a favourite dish. Don’t get me wrong, we make and enjoy it at least once a week, and it is a passion bordering on obsession, but tacos truly vie for my heart. Or my stomach, as it may be. It was only a matter of time before we quite literally stuffed some Mexican into our pasta.

Pan-fried Gnocchi Ripieni with Eggplant |Gnocchi Ripieni di Melanzane Spadellati

Pan-fried Gnocchi Ripieni with Eggplant |Gnocchi Ripieni di Melanzane Spadellati

Pretty much the only thing better than a plate of stuffed and pan-fried gnocchi, is a plate of bright purple stuffed and pan-fried gnocchi. This week we’ve made a light dough out of roasted purple potatoes, and filled it with creamy eggplant. Tossed through the sage-infused oil that we finished them in, they have a comfortingly subtle flavour, but with a bold hit of colour!

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